Thursday, 31 December 2020

Those Toys Won't Tidy Themselves!

Blogs are like buses - you wait all month to post one, and then three come along at the same time.

But what else are the Christmas holidays for if not working on Pi Wars and catching up on the blog. 

Moving in a Straight Line

In Pi Wars 2019 there were 2 tasks that involved moving in a straight line between two walls. To achieve this, we had sonar distance sensors on each side of the robot, and code that determined the angle we were travelling at and tried to correct it to keep within the centre of the two walls. 

Where Are The Toys?

For the "Tidy the Toys" challenge we need to be able to locate the different coloured blocks so we can move towards them, pick them up and take them to the target zone. Actually we're also planning to use another colour to identify the target zone. The only practical way of doing this is to use a camera and process the image to find the coloured blocks. 

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Meet Nanny McPi (v1.0)

So - we have a robot - actually we've had a robot for a while, but my blog writing hasn't caught up. 

Meet Nanny McPi v1.0